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Self-developed audio player app

Demo video (including all the features):       please wear headphones

Features Introduction

Screenshot 2023-08-31 at 19.52.48.png

Basic Playback Settings 


1: Play/Pause, Next, Previous and a movable audio progress bar.

2: Switchable three different playback modes: 'Repeat 1 Track,' 'Repeat Playlist,' and 'Shuffle Play'.

Real-Time Waveform Visualization


1: Time-domain waveform 

2: Frequency-domain waveform: Spectrum(0-8000Hz) and a dynamic band spectrum 

3: Envelope shape of the current track 

Pitch Shifting and Time Streching

1: Citation of open source code "pitchShift.m" from:

2: Coded the correlated 'time stretching' feature based on the "pitchShift.m" based on phase vocoder theory.

Spatialization (please wear headphones) ***with simple reverberation superposition

Future Improvement

With the superposition of reverberation, HRIRs in this case act as BRIRs, but different BRIRs captured from different angles will have different reverberation attributes in a space, which correlates to the changes in degree of azi and ele knob. For more information about this, please refer to this paper I wrote (still working on, will be accessible here in the near future!)

1: Employed the SOFA Toolbox, as an open-source API for mainly processing and reading SOFA files that store various Head-Related Impulse Responses (HRIRs) as the storage format for HRTF data. 

2: Mainly utilized  the SOFAload.m’ and 'SOFAspat.m' functions within SOFA Toolbox by which you can spatialize the signal.

3: You can find the source code for this feature (not self-developed) here:

Sound Effects Rendering Presets (please wear headphones)

1: Rock (Apply bandstop filters using Chebyshev Type I analog prototype filters and then transform them to digital filters using the bilinear transform.)

2: Dance (as above)

3: Metal (apply the FIR filter)

4: Phone (apply Convolution_FilterCurve, please refer to this page: click here)

5: 3D — Employed the SOFA functions (as described above) to spatially rotate the entire track counterclockwise and horizontally in repeated azimuth cycles (360 Deg.)

6: 3D Vocal — Separate the vocal and instrument tracks, and spatialize the vocal track, leaving the instrument unchanging.

7: 5.1 Surround Sound ( please refer to this page: click here)

Convolution Reverb 

Stereo Image Widening (***with reverberation superposition)

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